George A Brusch IV, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Integrative Biology
304 Life Sciences West
Stillwater, OK 74078
Research Statement
I use integrative methods to answer questions regarding physiological interactions associated with life in resource-limited environments. My work currently focuses on understanding the physiological implications of and adaptive responses to water limitations, especially in reptiles.
October 12, 2020 Our article "Additive effects of temperature and water availability on pregnancy in a viviparous lizard" in the Journal of Experimental Biology is now available online (co-authors: Rodrigo Gavira, Robin Viton, Andréaz Dupoué, Mathieu Leroux-Coyau, Sandrine Meylan, Jean-Francois Le Galliard, and Olivier Lourdais)
August 13, 2020 I am very excited to announce that I have accepted a position as Assistant Professor in the department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University. I will be teaching physiology this fall, setting up the lab, and looking for students interested in environmental physiology. GO POKES!!!
April 30, 2020 Our article "Dehydration enhances cellular and humoral immunity in a mesic snake community" in the Journal of Experimental Zoology is now available online and is the featured cover story (co-authors: Anthony Mills, Rachel Walman, Garrett Masuda, Andy Byeon, Dale DeNardo, and Zachary Stahlschmidt)
December 24, 2019 Our article "Reproductive state and water deprivation increase plasma corticosterone in a capitol breeder" in General and Comparative Endocrinology is now available online (co-authors: Olivier Lourdais and Dale DeNardo).
September 19, 2019 Our natural history note "Liasis fuscus (water python) mating ball" in Herpetological Review is now available online (co-authors: Keith Christian, Greg Brown, Rick Shine, and Dale DeNardo).
Brusch IV GA, Gavira RSB, Vitton R, Dupoué A, Le Galliard JF, Lourdais O. 2020. Additive effects of temperature and water availability on pregnancy in a viviparous lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb228064 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Walman RM, Mills AM, Masuda G, Byeon A, DeNardo DF, Stahlschmidt ZR. 2020. Dehydration enhances cellular and humoral immunity in a mesic snake community. Journal of Experimental Zoology 333: 306-315 (featured cover story) (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF, Lourdais O. 2020. Reproductive state and water deprivation increase plasma corticosterone in a capital breeder. General and Comparative Endocrinology 288:113375 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Christian K, Brown GP, Shine R, DeNardo DF. 2019. Dehydration enhances innate immunity in a semi-aquatic snake from the wet-dry tropics. Journal of Experimental Zoology 331:245-252 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Christian K, Brown GP, Shine R, DeNardo DF. 2019. Cane toads (Rhinella marina) rely on water access, not drought tolerance, to invade xeric Australian environments. Oecologia 189:307-316 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Heulin B, DeNardo DF. 2019. Dehydration during egg production alters egg composition and yolk immune function. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 227:68-74 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. 2019. Egg desiccation leads to dehydration and enhances innate immunity in python embryos. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 90:147-151 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Lourdais O, Kaminsky B, DeNardo DF. 2018. Muscles provide an internal water reserve for reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) B 285:20180752 (pdf) Media coverage: NSF Science 360, Outside JEB, The Wildlife Society, EurekAlert!, Phys.org, NPR, Sciences et Avenier, Deccan Chronicle, New Kerala, Big News Network, ANI News, ABP, Business Standard, Long Room, Global Times, Xinhua, Science Daily, ASU Now.
Nowakowski AJ, Watling JI, Thompson ME, Brusch IV GA, Catenazzi A, Whitfield SM, Kurz DJ, Suarez-Mayorga A, Gutierrez AFA, Donnelly MA, Todd BD. 2018. Thermal biology mediates responses of amphibians and reptiles to habitat modification. Ecology Letters 21:345-355 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Billy G, Blattman JN, DeNardo DF. 2017. Reproduction alters hydration state but does not impact the positive effects of dehydration on innate immune function in Children’s pythons (Antaresia childreni). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 90:646-654 (featured cover story) (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. 2017. When less means more: dehydration improves innate immunity in rattlesnakes. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:2287-2295 (pdf)
Dupoué A, Rutschmann A, Le Galliard JF, Miles DB, Clobert J, DeNardo DF, Brusch IV GA, Meylan S. 2017. Water availability and environmental temperature correlate with geographic variation in water balance in common lizards. Oecologia 185:561-571 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Taylor EN, Whitfield SM. 2016.Turn up the heat: thermal tolerances of lizards at La Selva, Costa Rica. Oecologia 180:325-334 (featured cover story) (pdf)
Hopkins GR, Brodie Jr ED, Mohammadi S, Brusch IV GA, Neuman-Lee LA, Hopkins ZM, French SS. 2016. Physiological responses to salinity vary with proximity to the ocean in a coastal amphibian. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89:322-330 (pdf)
Heiken KH, Brusch IV GA, Gartland S, Escallón C, Moore IT, Taylor EN. 2016. Effects of long distance translocation on corticosterone and testosterone levels in male rattlesnakes. General and Comparative Endocrinology 237:27-33 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA, Christian K, Brown GP, Shine R, DeNardo DF. 2019. Natural history notes, water python (Liasus fuscus) mating ball. Herpetological Review 50: 594 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA. 2019. A thirst for knowledge: How arid-adapted snakes thrive with limited water. Wildlife Australia 56: 28-31 (pdf)
Abernath K, Banach M, Hudgell MAB, Blackmon LE, Breaux B, Brusch IV GA, Criscitiello MF, Deiss TC, Ding Y, Flowers E, Kenney E, Matz H, Modak T, Ott J, Rhoo KH, Rusnak ED, Shibasaki Y, Tassia MG, Wcisel D, Yaparla A. 2019. Conference report: The 14th congress of the International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 96: 83-92 (pdf)
Brusch IV GA. 2009. First impressions of the Carrizo Plain. Obispoensis 5: 4 (pdf)

Assistant Professor
Integrative Biology
Postdoctoral Researcher
Supervisor: Dr. Olivier Lourdais
Doctor of Philosophy
Ph.D. Biological Sciences
Dissertation: Water as a physiological currency: Hydration state impacts immune function, metabolic substrates, and reproductive investment
Supervisor: Dr. Dale DeNardo
Bachelor of Science
B.S. Biological Sciences
Senior Project: Thermal tolerances of lizards at La Selva, Costa Rica
Supervisor: Dr. Emily Taylor
Total = $263,054
2019 ASU School of Life Sciences Outstanding Graduate Award
2019 ASU Graduate College Completion Fellowship ($27,187)
2019 ASU GPSA Travel Grant ($950)
2019 ASU Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy ($1,000)
2018 ASU GPSA Leadership Scholarship ($5,000)
2018 National Science Foundation – Travel Award ($513)
2018 ASU School of Life Sciences – RTI Grant ($2,000)
2018 ASU Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy ($500)
2018 School of Life Sciences Graduate Ambassador Leadership Award ($2,000)
2018 Faculty Women's Association Distinguished Graduate Student Award
2018 Arijit Guha Graduate Student Advocacy Award ($500)
2018 ASU GPSA Travel Grant ($203)
2018 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award ($100)
2018 ASU Graduate College Fellowship ($5,000)
2018 ASU Graduate Research and Support Program ($2,000)
2018 ASU GPSA Travel Grant ($634)
2018 Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology – Mentoring Award ($100)
2018 Charlotte Magnum Student Support Award ($1,500)
2018 ASU Immunology Graduate Student Association GSO funding ($1,005)
2017 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leader Award
2017 ASU GPSA Leadership Scholarship ($5,000)
2017 ASU School of Life Sciences – Travel Award ($400)
2017 ASU School of Life Sciences – RTI Grant ($1,202)
2017 School of Life Sciences Graduate Ambassador Fellowship ($6,000)
2017 Peabody Family Memorial Fellowship ($1,277)
2017 ASU Immunology Graduate Student Association GSO funding ($743)
2017 ASU Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy ($1,000)
2017 ASU Graduate College Knowledge Mobilization Impact Award - Finalist
2017 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award ($200)
2017 ASU GPSA JumpStart Research Grant ($500)
2017 ASU GPSA Travel Grant ($713)
2016 ASU Sun Devil Child Care Subsidy ($1,000)
2016 ASU GPSA Assembly President Scholarship ($7,500)
2016 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) Fellowship ($15,000)
2016 ASU GPSA Assembly Service Award ($500)
2016 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Fellowship for First Generation Students ($5,000)
2016 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award ($200)
2016 ASU School of Life Sciences – Assistance with facilities ($540)
2015 Organization for Tropical Studies Outstanding Student Paper Award – Finalist
2015 Oecologia Highlighted Student Paper
2015 ASU GPSA Graduate Research Grant ($750)
2015 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award ($250)
2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ($138,000)
2014 ASU School of Life Sciences – Assistance with Field Work ($1,087)
2014 ASU School of Life Sciences – Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship ($6,000)
2014 Cal Poly Senior Recognition Award for Exceptional Achievement: Outstanding Biological Sciences Major
2014 NSF/LSAMP PROUD scholar: Outstanding Research in STEM
2014 NSF/LSAMP PROUD scholar: Overall Academic Success
2013 NSF/Organization for Tropical Studies Research Fellowship ($10,000)
2013 Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Scholarship ($4,000)
2013 Unocal Environmental Education Scholarship ($1,500)
2012 California Polytechnic State University – President’s List
2011-14 California Polytechnic State University - Dean’s List ($4,000)
2020 BIOL 3204: Physiology - Instructor: Oklahoma State University
2018 BIO 181: Molecular and Cellular Biology – Instructor: Mesa Community College
2018 MIC 425: Advanced Immunology – Teaching Assistant: Arizona State University
2017 BIO 461: Comparative Physiology – Instructor (4 lectures): Arizona State University
2017 FSE 100: Introduction to Engineering – Instructor (1 lecture): Arizona State University
2017 MIC 425: Advanced Immunology –Teaching Assistant: Arizona State University
2017 BIO 202: Human Physiology – Teaching Assistant: Arizona State University
2016 BIO 201: Human Anatomy – Teaching Assistant: Arizona State University
2016 MIC 425: Advanced Immunology –Teaching Assistant: Arizona State University
2014 BIO 426: Immunology – Teaching Assistant: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2013 ZOO 341: Herpetology – Teaching Assistant: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2013 ZOO 323: Ornithology – Teaching Assistant: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Invited seminars​
2019 Brusch IV GA. Water as a physiological currency: Hydration state impacts immune function, metabolic substrates, and reproductive investment. CEBC Research Seminar, Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé. Villiers-en-Bois, France. April 9, 2019
2018 Brusch IV GA. To unpathed waters: the relationship between hydric state and immune function. Ayres Lab Research Seminar, Salk Institute for Biological Studies. La Jolla, CA. July 30, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA. To unpathed waters: the relationship between hydric state and immune function. Stenglein Lab Research Seminar, Colorado State University. Ft. Collins, CO. June 1, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA. To unpathed waters: the relationship between hydric state and immune function. Biology Department Research Seminar, Cal Poly. San Luis Obispo, CA. May 25, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA. To unpathed waters: the relationship between hydric state and immune function. ASU School of Life Sciences ‘Brown Bag’ Symposium. Tempe, AZ. May 4, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA. To unpathed waters: the relationship between hydric state and immune function. Immunology Graduate Students Association (Ig-SA) Seminar. Tempe, AZ. April 25, 2018
2017 Brusch IV GA, Lourdais O, Kaminsky B, DeNardo DF. Muscles provide water reserves for reproduction in a capital breeder facing water deprivation. ASU School of Life Sciences ‘Brown Bag’ Symposium. Tempe, AZ. December 1, 2017
2016 Brusch IV GA. Diversity of Costa Rican Flora and Fauna. Desert Garden Montessori. Phoenix, AZ. May 4, 2016
2016 Brusch IV GA. Diversity and importance of reptiles & amphibians. ASU Annual Science Day. Tempe, AZ. April 25, 2016
2015 Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. Important predators of the Sonoran Desert. Introduction to Biology Special Seminar, ASU. Tempe, AZ. November 17, 2015
2015 Brusch IV GA, Taylor EN, Whitfield SM. Turn up the heat: thermal tolerances of lizards at La Selva, Costa Rica. ASU School of Life Sciences ‘Brown Bag’ Symposium. Tempe, AZ. October 9, 2015
2014 Brusch IV GA, Taylor EN, Whitfield SM. Turn up the heat: thermal tolerances of lizards at La Selva, Costa Rica. Biology Department Research Seminar, Cal Poly. San Luis Obispo, CA. May 16, 2014
Conference presentations
2019 Brusch IV GA, Webster T, Wilson Sayres M, Blattman J, Baldwin A, DeNardo DF. A mechanistic approach to understanding the relationship between dehydration and enhanced immune function. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. January 5, 2019
2018 Brusch IV GA, Webster T, Wilson Sayres M, Blattman J, Baldwin A, DeNardo DF. A mechanistic approach to understanding the relationship between dehydration and enhanced immune function. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology – Southwestern Regional Meeting. San Marcos, CA. November 10, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA, Webster T, Wilson Sayres M, Blattman J, Baldwin A, DeNardo DF. A mechanistic approach to understanding the relationship between dehydration and enhanced immune function. Arizona Physiological Society Annual Meeting. Tempe, AZ. October 5, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA, Webster T, Wilson Sayres M, Blattman J, Baldwin A, DeNardo DF. A mechanistic approach to understanding the relationship between dehydration and enhanced immune function. International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology 14th Congress. Santa Fe, NM. June 21, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA, Lourdais O, Kaminsky B, DeNardo DF. Muscles provide water reserves for reproduction when resources are limited. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. January 7, 2018
2017 Brusch IV GA, Kaminsky B, Lourdais O, DeNardo DF. Muscle as an internal water depot for reproduction: dehydration increases protein catabolism in a capital breeder. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology – Southwestern Regional Meeting. Claremont, CA. October 21, 2017
2017 Brusch IV GA. Snakes have tails too: diversity of snakes in Arizona. ASU Annual Science Day. Tempe, AZ. April 21, 2017
2017 Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. Exploring the relationship between hydric state and innate immunity. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. January 8, 2017
Poster presentations
2019 Brusch IV GA, Heulin B, DeNardo DF. Dehydration during egg production alters egg composition and yolk immune function. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. January 6, 2019
2018 Brusch IV GA, Heulin B, DeNardo DF. Dehydration during egg production alters egg composition and yolk immune function. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology – Southwestern Regional Meeting. San Marcos, CA. November 10, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA, Christian K, Brown G, Shine R, DeNardo DF. Invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) expansion across Australia: physiological adaptation or phenotypic plasticity? International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology 14th Congress. Santa Fe, NM. June 17, 2018
2018 Trussell D, Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. Effects of High Glucose Intake on Energy Consumption in Rhinoceros Iguanas (Cyclura cornuta). School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. April 20, 2018
2018 Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. Egg desiccation leads to dehydration and enhanced innate immunity in python embryos. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. January 5, 2018
2017 Trussell D, Brusch IV GA, DeNardo DF. Effects of Water Availability During Gravidity on Performance and Growth of Neonate Children’s Pythons (Antaresia childreni). School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. March 17, 2017
2019-present Amphibia-Reptilia (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2018-2019 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) – Director of Federal Relations; Member, External Affairs Committee
2018 ASU hosts the 'Chief Science Officers' - reptile presentation
2018-present Journal of Animal Ecology (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2017-2018 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) – Director of Legislative Affairs; Member, External Affairs Committee; Member, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Committee; Lobbyist, Legislative Action Days, Sept 2017, March 2018, Washington D.C.
2018 School of Life Sciences NSF-GRFP Writing Course – Reviewer
2018 School of Life Sciences Graduate Retreat – ‘Preparing for Comps’ – Panelist
2018 ASU Sun Devil Giving Day: School of Life Sciences - reptile booth
2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Broadening Participation Program - Mentor
2018-present Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2018-present Journal of Thermal Biology (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2018-present Journal of Experimental Zoology - Part A (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2017-2018 ASU Graduate Student Bill of Rights Committee - Chair​
2017 ASU School of Life Sciences – Graduate Programs Committee Co-Chair, Mentoring Agreement Sub-Committee
2017 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – Graduate Student Success Committee Member
2016-2017 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) – Assembly President/Representative, School of Life Sciences, ASU; Member, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Committee; Lobbyist, Legislative Action Days, Sept 2016, Washington D.C.
2016 ASU School of Life Sciences – Summer Research Experience Program (reviewer)
2016-2017 ASU Day at the Capitol: School of Life Sciences booth
2016-present Immunology Graduate Student Association, President/Co-founder – ASU
2016-present Microbiology Graduate Student Association, Member – ASU
2016-present Ecology (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2015-2016 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) – Representative, School of Life Sciences, ASU; Member, External Affairs Committee; Member, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Committee; Lobbyist, Legislative Action Days, Sept 2015, March 2016, Washington D.C.
2015-present First Generation pathways to Success (1GPS), Mentor – ASU
2015-present Frontiers in Zoology (Ad-hoc reviewer)
2014-present SHADES Multicultural Peer Mentoring Program, Mentor – ASU
2014-present Arizona Women in Science, Mentor – ASU
2014-present Department of Animal Care & Technologies: reptile tent at Homecoming–ASU
2014-2017 Employment Engagement Committee’s Bring Your Child to Work Day: Herpetology presentation – ASU
2014 SoLS Takes a Hike: reptile booth – ASU
2014-present Night of the Open Door: reptile booth – ASU
2014-present Ask A Biologist: contributor to Physiology section
2011-2014 Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NSF-LSAMP), Member/Mentor – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo